
Eltako Smart Automation has full Alexa integration

Eltako Smart Automation has full Alexa integration
Master Bedroom dimmed and automated with Eltako

Eltako Smart Automation is one of the most sophisticated dimming and Building Automation Systems in the world.

Unlike any dimming system currently on the market, it is the only System with True Dim Technology. It can dim LED’s flicker-free to near darkness.

It can automate anything from your gate to windows, shutters, and aircons, all by the press of one button – or your smartphone.

Its energy-harvesting technology and super-low-consumption devices make it the most energy-efficient Building Management Systems in the world.

For beauty reasons Eltako has the Freedom of choice when it comes to the look of switches. Designers can choose any switch design in the world and use it with Eltako.

And – it can efficently work with Alexa.

We have used Eltako in some of the best Hotels in the world, private homes, and high-end offices.

Eltako, the most sophisticated Smart Automation you can get.

Get in touch with telcs if you would like to know more.